How do I setup a Ring Group?
How do I setup a Ring Group?
Written by Brooke Rhodes
A Ring Groups allow you to join multiple extensions to ring all at once, round robin or in a specific order. They are useful for efficiently distributing calls throughout a business. Ring groups can include extensions, and/or 10 digit phone numbers (entered sans dashes,5555555555)
To setup a ring group in your business follow steps below.
Login to Portal
Services > Ring Groups
Hit + sign on Ring Groups page to create a new ring group. By default Ring group 800 is created
See image below for an example.
Please note: To add more destinations once you have filled out each box, simply save and you will be given a blank row below your current set.
This example shows when ring group 825 is dialed all numbers in the destinations area will ring simultaneously. If no one picks up if will go to the Timeout Destination. Extension 825 normally would be setup when a businesses main number is dialed it would be directed to extension 825.
Please note, after setting up your ring group in order to get it working you will have to add it to your call flow, or point your number directly to this group. Please see this article on how to point your number to your new group:
Changes in the portal can take up to 15 minutes to take effect.
Field Descriptions :
Name : A simple name for the ring group, This will be for your knowledge/organization
Extension : This is the Dial-able extension for this group. Must be unique 2-7 digit ( Ex 800 )
Strategy : is a way to control how the ring group routes the calls. Below is a description of each strategy so you may choose the best routing for you!
Simultaneous Rings all defined Destinations.
Sequence Where order that is lower goes first.
Enterprise Works with follow me.
Rollover Calls destinations in sequence and skips busy destinations.
Random A random destination will ring.
Destinations : The extensions or phone numbers you wish to ring when this group is dialed. Can be full 10 digit phone numbers.
Delay : Time in seconds before the destination will start ringing.
Timeout : Time in seconds before rolling to the next destination/voicemail.
Prompt : Where you determine if the call must have a dial to confirm before a pickup event.
Timeout Destination : This is the action that will execute if there is no answer from any of the destinations.
CID Name Prefix : This is the text that will be displayed BEFORE the caller ID information when this group is called.
CID Number Prefix : This is the number that will be displayed BEFORE the caller ID information when this group is called.
Ring Back : What the caller hears when they are waiting for the Destinations to answer. Default is the standard hold music. US-Ring will be the call ringing feed back you would hear if you wish to change it.
Description : This is for your reference and will show on the main Ring Group page so you know what the ring group is.
Please note, after setting up your ring group you will need to add it to your call flow. Please see this article on how to point your number to your new ring group:
You can also add a group to an auto attendant, please see this article on how to setup auto attendants:
Changes in the portal can take up to 15 minutes to take effect.
Updated on: 01/10/2024