Articles on: Voiply Business

How to Setup Hold Music

How to Setup Hold Music

This article will help explain how to upload and activate hold music

Written by John Prechtl

To get started, log into your Voiply portal by going to After that follow the steps below to upload and to activate your hold music. There are two ways to upload hold music. The first way is best for single files, and will get you started in under 10 minutes!

Single File Hold Music

From your Voiply Portal, Click Services > Recordings

Convert your audio files via this link..

Follow this guide to upload your hold music.

Set the hold music from your portal under Services > Extensions > then scroll down till you find hold music, and change it to the file you just uploaded.

Multiple File Hold Music

From your Voiply Portal, Click Services > Hold Music

Once here if this is the first time you are uploading to Hold Music , You will want to select the plus sign for Category and put in the name of the hold music list. Consider this a playlist for your hold music.

After typing in a name , You will then want to go to the right hand side and click inside File Path. This will open an explorer on your computer where you will select the .Wav file you wish to use for hold music.

Once Selected you will click Upload.

Once it is uploaded you will see it populate below.

After it is uploaded , the hold music will then become available for you to select/activate for Music on Hold. This can be accomplished by going to Services > Extensions.

From here choose the extension you wish to update. 

Once under the extension at the bottom will be the drop down to select the newly uploaded hold music.

Once you select the hold music you wish to have active , Click save in the top or bottom right to save your selection.

Please note that hold music can take up to 24 hours to take affect. 

Updated on: 01/10/2024