Articles on: Voiply Business

How do I Setup Find Me Follow Me?

How do I Setup Find Me Follow Me?

Written by John Prechtl

The Find Me feature attempts to locate you by dialing a list of extensions or phone numbers until you accept or reject the call.

To setup find me follow me. Follow steps below.

Login to Portal
Navigate to Services > Extension
Select extension that you'd like to configure this on then click Call Routing button on the top right.
Enable the follow me setting and configure how you'd like the follow me to work.

Example below shows it will ring the default extension 304 for 15 seconds then go to an outside number. This could be a cell phone number or another external number. The "Confirm" setting allows you to pick your cell phone up to accept or reject the call. If you reject the call, the VM will be left inside of your phone system not your cell.

Updated on: 01/10/2024